

An enzyme function prediction tool that classifies an enzyme up to the fourth level of the EC Number. The tool can be used to predict a multi-functional enzyme as well.

Go through the Readme before submitting a request.
Enter Sequence here (in fasta format):
Would you like to include the multi-functional enzyme prediction functionality?

Do not close the browser window or refresh the page until the request is complete.


*HECNet is dependent on 3rd party softwares to gather the features of a sequence. If there is any problem in getting the predictions, click here to access the tool which requires the features to be submitted along with the sequence.
**To receive predictions in batch, please email us at hammad.naveed@nu.edu.pk

Computational Biology Research Lab

Precision Medicine Lab, National Center in Big Data and Cloud Computing

Phone: +92 51 111 128 128 Ext. 394

Email: hammad.naveed@nu.edu.pk